Serial No – (As you all know)
Date – There is no much trick in date if you’re in day shifts. But ensure you use the correct date during Date change shifts (Night shifts). Mistakes frequents here but be cautious as it’ll cause misery during Air Crash investigations.
Type/Aircraft/Engine/Equipment/System – If your day’s work is just Transit Inspections (TI), Extended Transit Inspections (ET), or any A Checks, You can just mention the Aircraft Specific Model. (e.g. ATR 72-212A). Using aircrafts model for any kind of entries is not advised.
For Avionics Systems (Including IFE, IDG, Transceivers, Antenna, Computers, Sensors, Actuators, Lights etc.) Mention the brand name and part number. (e.g. Honeywell AH600). This is required because most of the modern fleets use components from different suppliers as per their modifications. This is applicable to certain miscellaneous parts in Engines and Airframe systems also.
Registration no. of Aircraft or of Engine/Equipment – It should be in the form of “VT – KFW” for aircrafts. For Equipment and item of equipment’s, mention their serial no’s. (Serial number can be different for items of same part number). In case of swapping the equipment, mention the serial numbers of both the equipment.
Description of job had done - This part can be considered as the most important section. Always try to make your description brief and complete. I guess examples will be sufficient to have an idea about this.
Trainee’s Entry: Assisted in carrying out Replacement of Main Battery as per JIC 24-31-85-RAI-10010.
Technician’s Entry: Carried out Removal and Installation of RH Starter Generator as per JIC 24-32-61-RAI 100000.
An important part is in mentioning the relevant Job instruction card number/ Aircraft Maintenance Manual no. / CMM/ TSM/ WDM/SRM etc. Without this, your entry literally has no value. All this reference numbers can be procured from soft wares like AirNav. (I know only AirNav – No one can know aircraft better than this).
Signature: Signature of AME/QC/MM with their job code/Seal preferably.
E.g. (A Complete Entry)
S.No>>> 1
Date>>> 22/05/2011
A/C Type>>> A321 – IAE V2500 – A5
Reg.No>>> VT-KFW
Desc.>>> Assisted in carrying out TAP test of Air intake blades of #1 Engine as per AMM 72-00-00-200-011.
How to write AME Flight Log Book
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7:47:00 AM