DGCA AME exam Question Bank Paper 3 HA

1. Static margin is the distance between
a)      aerodynamic center & neutral point
b)      aerodynamic center & center of gravity
c)      center of pressure & center of gravity
d)      neutral point and center of gravity

2. During rudder maintenance
a)      chord line should be parallel to horizontal
b)      hose over condition is called over balance
c)      hose down condition is called over balance
d)      as in a & c

3. Loft does not depend on
a)      aerofoil design
b)      amount of using dihedral
c)      density of air & velocity
d)      wing surface area

4. Which of the following should also be checked in addition to hard landing inspection items, when the a/c makes hard landing
a)      wing center section
b)      arcing of propeller
c)      balancing of control surfaces
d)      none

5. Artificial feel is used in
a)      aileron control system
b)      elevator control system
c)      rudder system
d)      all

6. Which of the following takes the structural loads in the wheel bay?
a)      keel beam
b)      transverse beam
c)      box beam
d)      all

7. Structural fuse
a)      prevents primary structure damage
b)      prevents shear loads
c)      prevents overflow of current in the circuit
d)      as in a & c

8. Color coding of ‘O’ rings indicates
a)      age
b)      temp
c)      vapour compatibility
d)      all

9. The angle of attack where lift/drag ratio is maximum is called
a)      dihedral
b)      anhedral
c)      incidence
d)      wash in

10. Mark the correct statement
a)      stall speed ­ with c.g forward movement
b)      stall speed ­ with backward movement
c)      stall speed does not change with c.g movement

11.Station 185 indicates
a)      183 mm back of the nose or reference datum
b)      183 inch back of the reference datum
c)      183 cm back of the nose or reference datum
d)      18.30 inch back of the nose or reference datum

12. ‘Out of freezer’ life is associated with
a)      epoxy resin
b)      catalyst
c)      prepeg
d)      thermosetting

13. Amount of roll dies not depend on
a)      Angle of pitch
b)      Angle of bank
c)      Angle of turn
d)      As in a & c

14. Damage of rivets around the head is usually
a)      grey
b)      white
c)      brown
d)      as in a & c

15. The a/c is about to land, the fowler flap is extended, it will cause:
a)      ­ in lift
b)      ­ in drag
c)      ­ lift with nose drag movement
d)      normal

DGCA AME exam Question Bank Paper 3 HA DGCA AME exam Question Bank Paper 3 HA Reviewed by Unknown on 12:35:00 PM Rating: 5
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