Why you selected AME course?

With so much eager my friend went to Trivandrum Airport to get any job related to AME. He is completed AME course with OJT from institution itself. He wished to get any job in airport because he fed up with waiting. When he reached there he met a person and he guides him to the airport office. He met the official person and forwarded his resume with a smile. Officer accepted it and made glance. Then he shouted to him "what is this AME? Why you selected this course?" Alas my friend went to cry there itself. But he managed, and asked him what to do. By seeing his face the officer felt pity. He said "if you had some degree I could give you some job here, but this AME is not a degree na?" hearing this he didn’t say a word. He went out from the office cursing his fate.

Why you selected AME course? Why you selected AME course? Reviewed by Unknown on 6:59:00 AM Rating: 5
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