Beware of Fake Certificates and Logbook Entry

Aviation industry is looking for more experienced people than a fresher. So after the completion of AME course, or related Aviation course, students need to undergo OJT (On Job Training). In order to get this training, again the students need to spend some money, since the Aviation organizations are charging fees for this training. So spending lot of money for the course and training at the same time. After 6 months or one year training also some people are again not getting the job as they wished, since the company’s recruiters needed 3-5 years experienced people. They are lot many people experienced (Air force), waiting outside to get an opportunity to be in Aviation Industry. So that Aviation industry is not much worried about the human resources.

This is a very bad condition for an AME Fresher and they wanted to recover from this situation. Some people, some black hands trying to favor this condition by giving bad advices. This leads to the creation of fake experience certificates and log book entries to get job inside aviation industry. Students are mistakenly fall into these black hands as they lost hope in aviation industry. They spend lakhs of money for the studies and again needed to spend money for trainings. This condition can be easily solved by creation of fake experience certificates, so they think. No need to spend lakhs again for training if they get 2,3 years experience certificates in cheap price.

The certificates are easily edited with the help of a DTP operator and they are printing out with the latest technological printers. The company seals are artificially created and they punch it in that. This will look similar to the original certificates as they are originally copied from the experienced people. Please don’t try this, and beware of this fake thoughts and people around you. Once caught, your life gone in vain and please don’t get corrupted.
Beware of Fake Certificates and Logbook Entry Beware of Fake Certificates and Logbook Entry Reviewed by Unknown on 10:07:00 AM Rating: 5
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