Difficulty in OJT after AME

I find it difficult to get OJT after AME course as the students are more outside waiting for the same OJT training of six months that are already passed out from different institutes. As the students increased for this practical training for AMEs, the Aviation industries began to charge fees and looked for recommendations. The students of AME course which are not having enough jacks are not able to get the training even though they try hard to get somewhere in.

The usual practice of the students is sending resumes to aviation companies who are all recruiting or giving training for AME students and waiting for their call letter or reply. This is time consuming and sometimes you may not receive any replies. So it’s very hard part for the students to obtain the training to finish the course.

Some of the AME institutes itself providing OJT training inside the campus itself and this can be utilized for the students which will help them to complete the course.
Difficulty in OJT after AME Difficulty in OJT after AME Reviewed by Unknown on 10:50:00 PM Rating: 5
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