Importance of AME OJT with AME course

Aircraft maintenance Engineering is a three year course in India but the institute training only for 2 and half years and remaining six months is your AME on Job Training. This training will provide you with practical experience and knowledge about aircrafts, aviation industry and various services and maintenance activities carrying out etc. that you have already studied as theory in Institute. So this is a hands on experience you are getting after theoretical training. By this six months training only, you will complete the three years course and you will get course completion certificate after successful completion of the course. That means, AME course plus AME OJT will be the final course structure for AME students.

According to DGCA, an AME student must undergo this six months OJT with the AME theoretical course from approved organization. This will only provide him/her with the compliance of dgca standards and regarding the AME license examinations. DGCA AME license exams will give you the different type ratings to certify an Aircraft. An AME license holder can only approve the aircrafts fits for flying and carryout maintenance activities on the flights. So that, it is essential to gain practical knowledge as well to write the AME license exams. AME students who are finish the abintio training will only be able to write the Basic AME license papers and will be eligible for license exams after gaining practical experience from aviation industry approved by DGCA.

Basic AME license papers will be useful to get apprentice training from aviation organizations and help you to write DGCA license exams in the future by gaining experiences. The organization will help you to gain experience and guide you to earn AME license once if they found you worth for them. You can’t write these license exams unless you are working for any aviation organizations with valid experience documents like logbook entries, experience certificates etc. So experience is a must to gain job and maximize your knowledge in aviation industry. So it’s very important to undergo AME OJT with AME training.

Importance of AME OJT with AME course Importance of AME OJT with AME course Reviewed by Jackson Jacob on 9:02:00 AM Rating: 5
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